Welcome to Holyoke, Volleyball City!

Holyoke is an exciting community with committed citizens, a rich history, a dynamic business sector, and a wide variety of opportunities. The best way to learn about our proud city is to experience it!

Did You Know. . .

Many of Holyoke’s artifacts of the City’s pioneering engineering machinery are on display and in use today, making Holyoke a unique living museum ahead of the curve in the 21st century!

First planned industrial community.

Holyoke holds the distinction of being the first planned industrial community in the Nation. As such, downtown Holyoke features rectilinear street grids, a novelty in New England. In 1847, merchant investors utilized a natural 57-foot drop in the river to construct a granite dam and multi-level canal system. With this construction came an elaborate complex of mills and worker’s housing. The street hierarchy upon which the worker housing and mills were built were a potential economic development tool, it lends well to high-rise buildings and the surrounding canals are landscaped into a source of recreation and relaxation.

Green Energy...since the beginning.

Holyoke is ahead of the curve when it comes to “Green Energy”. The City was built on water power and continues to use this incredible asset through the municipally run dam. Two-thirds of the electricity produced by Holyoke Gas & Electric is derived from non-greenhouse gas producing, renewable hydroelectric generation resources. With a growing consumer interest in sustainable production practices, Holyoke’s hydroelectric production capacity is more than just an environmental decision – it makes business sense.

Stronger, because of our diversity.

El Corazón de Holyoke is a public art installation displayed throughout Main Street, which holds much of Holyoke’s Latinx heritage. The concept of the art project is a cultural appreciation for Holyoke’s rich Puerto Rican ancestry and to uplift the community to bring back hope and activity as we begin to embrace new life post-pandemic.  In Spring 2022, Beyond Walls enlisted several Latinx and cultural artists to bring extraordinary murals onto High Street and throughout the Puerto Rican cultural district.

The City’s attractive complement of urban scale and natural serenity includes numerous mill sites as well as a collection of parks, historic sites and recreation destinations. What else would you expect from the Birthplace of Volleyball?



Tucked in the Pioneer Valley, Holyoke has an abundance of homes for you. Whether you’re looking to rent or buy, Holyoke’s green energy and convenient proximity is an ideal place for you and your family. Let one of our expert members help you find your new home.



Holyoke thrives in recreational activities, outdoor festivities, cultural events, historical museums, and fun for kids. With all of the economic growth Paper City has seen, we have so many new shops, restaurants, dispensaries, and activities to do. Whatever your interest, Holyoke has something for you.



Holyoke’s Office of Planning and Economic Development has a great deal of knowledge and resources to assist you in making the right plan for your business here in Holyoke. Visit their website to view ongoing projects, available properties, and local resources to help you plan accordingly.